Saturday, February 9, 2008

Vandalia Middle Schoolers Heads to Capitol City

The Vandalia Middle School went to the state capitol yesterday. We understand they visited the state museum and library. They saw lots of interesting sites and sights.

A few highlights from the trip:
  • Blair Scott wanted the capitol tour guide to prove that the glass floor was bullet proof. (There was a local security guard with a gun, yet he declined to participate in Blair's science project).
  • The children got to meet with our State Representative Sidney Justus, local vandalia onion farmer. (As his trademark, he gave the students onion sandwiches which his wife made. The students responded as usual).
  • And also, as usual, the highlight for most Vandalia Middle Schools students, a chance to visit McDonalds. (Average purchase $3.67 with McLattes being the top purchase after Carol Costas bought the 1st one. Blair Scott was heard to remark, "I can't believe that everyone is buying McLattes just because Carol Costas bought one. They are so expensive and there is hardly any calories in that.").