Friday, January 4, 2008

We are online!

Welcome to the online home of the Vandalia Onions.

You know I've been editor of The Onions for a long time and the guys at the Whistle Blower Cafe have been telling me that I really should get on the Internets.

I went down to the local radio shack and ask young Michael Turk how I could connect the Model 4P up to the internets. (I remember that Carla Denslow's father used the 4P get ag prices over the telephone on their computer too).

Well Michael just snickered at me and told me that I needed to get an iMac or something else and I told him that the newspaper was doing just fine with me typing my articles on the 4P and then giving them to the newspaper outsourcing company who then does the layout and all of that other stuff that Mrs. Rusty used to do for me before she passed on.

Well faithful readers. The young Turk rolled his eyes at me. At me, your editor of this paper for almost 40 years. I thought about writing a letter to his principal, but then I found he graduated early from Vandalia High and is headed to Vanderbilt in June. Starting college in June, who has ever heard of such a thing?

Well, friends a good thing that the owner of the Radio Shack, Mr. Bandwidth took me aside and offered to help. He said that he would even set up a "bloggermyspacething" for free! And all I had to do was give his my articles like I use to give to Mrs. Rusty and he would see that they got on the internets. All I have to do is give him a little ad space online. (I think this must be some sort of scam, but I've known Rich Bandwidth for a long time and he wouldn't cheat me and he knows his stuff, I'll give him that.)

So, the Vandilla Onions is online at last! Your favorite hometown newspaper from your favorite town is on the internets.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Your Faithful Editor

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